Bad to the Phone—Biker Helmet Phone Logo
Designed by Gregory GrigoriouFor Sale w/customization: A smartphone takes on the shape of a classic tough guy biker helmet. Related keywords: cell, talk, armor. Logo Includes:
• web and vector files (.eps/.ai/.jpg/.png) • exclusive rights (logo is not sold again once purchased) • FREE changes to name and color$99.00 -
AppTractor Logo
Designed by Gregory GrigoriouFor Sale, Customization included: A fantastic domain for a mobile application product or service. The logo features a handheld mobile device as the cab of a tractor.. Related keywords: ranch, cowboy, farm, phones, call, communication, sharing, social media FREE changes to name and color, .eps and .png files, exclusive rights, included with purchase. (logo is never sold again after your purchase)$199.00 -
Angelicall Angel Phone Logo
Designed by Gregory GrigoriouFor Sale, Exclusivity and Customization included: A silver and gold phone is adorned with wings and a halo in this phone and angel combination logo. FREE changes to name and color, .eps and .png files, exclusive rights, included with purchase. (logo is never sold again after your purchase)$199.00